Wednesday, July 11, 2007

unSAID !!!

Long Long back...
I was at a bus-stand to drop my friends who was going to his college hostel after a long vacation... We were there early, having fun, chatting and were roaming around...
Then suddenly... I saw her... my heart beats accelerated & I felt some kind of cool wave running through my body... she was leaving the city only to return once for a while... I wasn't able to gather any courage which one require to say golden words for years... At that moment I left like, I will say it or at least do something to pass those feeling over which I had trapped inside me... Seeing her I always felt the unknown joy which made me forget everything... She looked at me and instantly knew that I was upto something... I walked towards her to reach, to hold, to say, to let my feelings flow... but then I returned back... this I did for at least 4-5 times... My friend was just watching me and shouting on me... as always he was expecting me to do something...
Her eyes said lot of things... they were always her EYEs which spoke and I answered with mine... this time She was waiting for me to act... or may be that was just an ILLUSION... my fear was I might embarrass her OR my action/s might HURT her... or AS many MANY many say the fear of refusal was too greater for me to accept and that lead to my silence...
After a hour or so... I took a piece of paper and wrote 'best of luck for your future' where as I was suppose to write those golden words... my hand was ordered to move to write those golden word and heart was waiting to see those word on that piece of paper and my mind commanded to write those words... BUT I still don't know why I couldn't write those golden words...
I didn't even gave that note to her by myself... driver got it and the conductor gave her the note... when she got the note there was something in her eyes... she was expecting something more... I was embarrassed...

Till date I regret that moment... and MANY like those moments which I came across...

1 comment:

Winnie the poohi said...

They say,
" Most of the tears shed in the funeral is for words left unsaid"

Life is long. I am sure if your love is true you will get one other oppurtunity.

Or rather you will make your own oppurtunity.

I agree daying those golden words are tough always.