Process --- Process is the only eternally entrapped part of human satisfaction...dreaming/hoping/aiming of achievement/success is an integral part which isn't to be hogged upon frequently...
Many mystically erode the required concentration towards the path and the journey... in their ignorant move they knowingly or unknowingly trip themselves into darkness... then the path which they choose is known along with the destination, but without any directions to read... they only travel their journey towards success... the whole process is darkened due to simple and negligible mistakes... when they reach, their anguish knows no boundaries... the result they ever dreamt of won't reveal and their travel ends in a misery to live with...
Process is the most important part which needs devotional concentration... the every step is a learning experience...
The process one has chosen to eliminate the straggle will/should lead him/her to desired destination only if he/she conquests the entrapped greed for success...
will add more to this post someday...

Conquering entrapped greed for success??
I would say that this is never possible!!
it is the greed of success that drives us.. (or some)
And some others whine away their ife.. doing nothing to abet their greed..
I feel greed in itself is not bad.. but what we do with this greed..
how we let ourself be influenced by this greed defines our life.. and our success
"The process one has chosen to eliminate the straggle will/should lead him/her to desired destination only if he/she conquests the entrapped greed for success"
this whole post is about PROCESS... once greed over takes one's mind and distracts his concentration from process... he/she is prone to trip onto something which can shatter his/her aim/goal... and the statement is to be viewed in accordance to the post...
If u r involved in the process how would u know where dedication ends and where greed starts??
Its ambiguous...
And hence its never possible to conquer the greed Even in context with your post... this stands
okay... let me put in a simple example... you have to climb up the ladder... now you know your GOAL/AIM which is to reach at the top of a ladder... now the step you take means you have initiated a process... Greed would mean "to get there 'UP' sooner than what it takes"... if your concentration isn't on process[or your greed overtakes your concentration] then there is fair amount of chance that you may trip down the ladder... as your greed distracted the process...
Well what if that greed makes u hire a lift ?? [:P]
u wudnt be swerving from ur goal and at the same time u wud be reaching there early..
Greed with an pragmatic man is innovation.. and with a fool is disaster
Greed with an pragmatic man is innovation.. and with a fool is disaster... I AGREE...
as the target is set and the path is defined... if one denies his/her own follow-through is a quest to reach the target coz of greed[read excess of desire to possess] then he/she is not Pragmatic and rather a Fool... :p
now i have nuffin to say [:P]
still no new post!
Lazy bum [:P]
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