Passing through narrow lanes of the city, talking to himself, thinking about his existence. He is talking to someone inside him, someone with whom he has been fighting since he was a kid.
Nobody knows he exists for real, his existence doesn't claims any meaning to his world… He is unaware of what will he become as and when he reveals himself to his the world, the world of bitterness. Something is stopping him, unknown of what it is; he puts up a brave face before he moves on.
Fear to face his existence in peoples’ thoughts is keeping him away from the world of humans.
“Who am I?” is the question which he has asked himself many a thousand times before, like he did tonight… Night of silence, silence; which is revealing the hollowness inside him for years… He is exploring the whole new meaning of silence…
What purpose will knowing about himself serve to him? Why is he even asking himself the most basic questions which should have been answered as quickly and simply as possible? Was it that easy? Or this world made it seem simple and easy by hiding themselves outside from themselves? Was he trying to reveal himself to himself rather than revealing to the world which did not even know about his very existence?
So he walks more on the lands where no human ever walked upon… He is feeling the pain, pain of knowing himself, as and when he asked “Who was he?” and other questions which haunted him at night for years… Questions which kept him awake. Was he really awake for the answers or was there something troubling him? He wasn’t sure and isn't sure… Was it the PAST? Or PRESENT? Or FUTURE? There stood three phases of his unknown life… They seemed more mysterious as and when he tried to reveal more about himself...
Across the turn watching around in distress he sees some old face… Face which is watching straight through him from the darkness of past… He remembers seeing that face many times before… He is sensing a pleasure of completeness watching that face… Face which is lifting him high, just as some drug when injected straight into veins… This pleasure isn’t what he is searching for… Can life be taken as it comes?
He is enjoying the moment… Enjoying watching that face which he dreamt thousand times in past… Is he disguising himself and stripping off the power and zest to find the truth? The truth which he desired to find his whole life… Can he suppress his desires and choose the pleasure of watching the face? Unknown fear grips him, which is trying hard to over come his desires...
It’s the fear of truth which takes us away from it…